OHA Trustee Candidates
Question 1Question 2Question 3Question 4Question 5
How are you currently serving (or have served) the lāhui? Please list the Native Hawaiian-serving organizations you are (or have been) affiliated with, the duration of your involvement, and your role/activities within those organizations.
Please provide an example of your community work to implement a project, initiative, grant or program. Please include your specific role and the outcomes for the community.
Please provide an example of your experience working collaboratively with other professionals to establish policies.
How and with whom can OHA collaborate to address and strengthen the economic stability of our lāhui?
How and with whom can OHA collaborate to address the related issues of affordable housing and houselessness in the Native Hawaiian community?

Hawaii Island Candidates

Oahu Candidates

At-Large candidates


On June 13, all candidates running for OHA’s Board of Trustees were contacted via email and invited to respond to Ka Wai Ola’s 2022 Primary Election candidate survey. Candidates who did not respond by our June 25 deadline received a reminder on June 28 and a deadline extension. Despite our efforts, some candidates have chosen not to participate in Ka Wai Ola’s candidate survey.

  • Hope Alohalani Cermelj, HAWAIʻI ISLAND CANDIDATE
  • Uʻi Kahue-Cabanting, AT-LARGE CANDIDATE