Public Notice | February 2025


Cultural Impact Assessment: Proposed Wailuku Bridge Rehabilitation, Puʻuhonua And Puʻuʻeo Ahupuaʻa, South Hilo District, Hawaiʻi Island

At the request of WSP USA, on behalf of the State of Hawaiʻi, Department of Transportation (HDOT), ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment in support of the HRS Chapter 343 Environmental Assessment (EA) being prepared for the proposed rehabilitation of Wailuku Bridge. The 8.2-acre project area includes multiple, privately owned parcels, including Tax Map Keys (TMKs) (3) 2-6-002:003, 004, 014, and 017-019, as well as portions of state and county-owned parcels; TMKs (3)-2-6-001:999, 2-3-002:999, 2-3-003:999, 2-3-001:999, 2-6-002:888, 2-6-001:020, 2-3-004: 001, 013, and 014) located in the Piʻihonua and Puʻuʻeo Ahupuaʻa, South Hilo District, Island of Hawaiʻi.

HDOT is proposing replacement-in-kind, as best possible, of the entire Wailuku River Bridge (Bridge No. 001000190409696). The primary purpose of this project is to address the bridge’s deficiencies identified during the latest inspection in 2021. The findings showed severe deterioration with numerous corrosion holes throughout the structure.

The replacement bridge would be designed in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO’s) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications. The superstructure width will be widened from approximately 39 feet to approximately 42 feet to accommodate safety compliant bridge railings and Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act compliant sidewalks. The deck and steel piers of the bridge will be completely removed and replaced with new members. For Piers 2 and 3, new drilled shaft footings, pile caps and piers in line with the existing concrete piers will be constructed to support the new superstructure. Caissons may be constructed, as needed, around the footings to perform the required work.

During construction, there will be two temporary construction and traffic detour bridges built on the makai and mauka sides of the bridge. The construction of the mauka side bridge will occur in Wailuku River while the makai side, temporary bridge will be constructed in Hilo Bay. The two construction and traffic detour bridges will be used to maintain traffic, as well as platforms to construct the Wailuku Bridge. When one is used for construction, the other will maintain traffic while the original bridge is demolished/erected. Each temporary construction and traffic detour bridge will accommodate two lanes of traffic and will be contractor designed and constructed. Pipe pilings, a type of foundation that includes long tubes driven into the river substrate, will support the temporary construction and traffic detour bridges.

The repairs will include repaving and restriping that is contained within the existing operational right-of-way. Some vegetation clearing along the shoreline may be necessary to allow access to areas below Wailuku River Bridge where work will occur. Best management practices (BMPs) will be implemented during construction, including suspension of catchment devices at the existing bridge structure and a turbidity curtain or other mitigation measures to minimize water quality impacts. Most work will occur during the weekday daytime hours; weekend and night work would be allowed, if necessary.

ASM is in search of kamaʻāina (persons who have genealogical connections and or are familiar from childhood with the ʻāina) of Puʻuhonua and Puʻuʻeo. ASM is seeking information about the area’s cultural resources and/or cultural uses of the project area; and past and or ongoing cultural practices that have or continue to occur within the project area. ASM is also seeking input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate potential impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you have and are willing to share any such information, please contact Candace Gonzales,, phone (808) 969-6066, mailing address ASM Affiliates 507A E. Lanikaula Street, Hilo, HI 96720. Mahalo.